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The Future Christian Network is a collaboration of pastors, leaders, creatives, and others passionate about moving Christianity and the church into a more vibrant, faithful, and inclusive future.

The Non-Anxious Leader Podcast

The Non-Anxious Leader Podcast

Leadership, Faith, FST

Chasing Sunday

Chasing Sunday

Worship leading, ministry, leadership

The Book Nook with Pastor Shaye

The Book Nook with Pastor Shaye

Kids, family, faith

Cross'd Out

Cross'd Out

coming soon...

Try Tank

Try Tank

Faith & Innovation

Church & Main

Church & Main

Religion & public affairs

Hopeful Economics

Hopeful Economics

Social Enterprise & Faithful Innovation

Your Podcast Here

Your Podcast Here



Future Christian

Ft the Future Christian Podcast, we talk to pastors, authors, and other faith leaders for helpful advice and practical wisdom to help you and your community of faith walk boldly into the future.


Future Christian Network Values


We are Christian - While we respect, appreciate, and value the thoughts, perspectives, and teachings of other faith traditions, we are unabashedly team Jesus.


We are inclusive - While we don’t demand everyone hold to our point of view, we are absolutely affirming of LGBT+ persons.


We are anti-racist and pro-reconciling - We believe everyone is a child of God and a brother, sister, or sibling if ours – therefore we will seek to tear down the divisions that have kept us apart and pushed people aside.


We are expansive in our soteriology - While we don’t claim to fully understand how it all works, we look beyond the limits of atonement theory, believing that somehow and someway, God is redeeming the world through Christ.


We are kind  - We seek to speak truth in a spirit of love, with a goal of building relationship and transformation – rather than scoring political points or creating echo chambers.


We are not content with the status quo - While we seek to live a life of gratitude, we are about moving, working, and living for better lives for ourselves, our churches, and our organizations. We pray that, by the grace of God, our work results in the equity and inclusion that reveals the coming Reign (or Realm) of God.


We are in this together - We believe that a rising tide lifts all boats. We commit to support one another in our passions and work.


We are always looking to the future - We look to the future while seeking guidance from the wisdom of the past.

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