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Welcome to the Future Christian Podcast, your source for insights and ideas for how to lead your church
in the twenty-first century.
At the Future Christian Podcast, we talk to pastors, authors, and other faith leaders like Brian McLaren, Amy Butler, and Diana Butler Bass for helpful advice and practical wisdom to help you and your community of faith walk boldly into the future.

When choosing a seminary, many factors matter: faculty, community, affordability, programs, and more. Phillips Theological Seminary offers several options for your future in ministry. Phillips also provides direct financial support to all our students, with many receiving an 80 percent reduction in tuition.
Visiting us in-person or online will allow you to see the value Phillips offers. Get to know how we fit into your future by setting up a visit or call today.
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Loren Richmond Jr

Paul Romig-Leavitt
Martha Tatarnic
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Torn Curtain Arts
A collective of musicians, pastors and artists united to make the church healthier and more creative.
Theological education dedicated to learning the way of Jesus in order to cultivate vital congregations, communities, conversations, and the public good.