Christianity in the North American continent has a dark and sordid of oppression, mistreatment, and just plain brutalization and murder of indigenous populations – all in the name of God. From the earliest days of Columbus even up to many of our own lifetimes, Christians and churches have used their faith to diminish and dehumanize indigenous persons through forced conversions, residential schools, and outright cultural genocide.
For these reasons and many more, Native Christian persons often find themselves conflicted, forced into a false dilemma of choosing between Christianity and their native spirituality and traditions, internalizing the racist and colonialist attitudes of their oppressors. According to artist and church leader Crow Eddy, this need not be the case.
Crow Eddy joins the pod to talk about integrating Christianity with Native Spirituality. We talk about the work of the Center for Indigenous Ministries (DOC), the ways he's incorporated Native Spirituality into his church community, and the way that Christianity has been--and still does--oppress indigenous populations. He also talks about his art!
Crow regularly leads a Native Healing Circle at his church, Milton Christian Church in Nova Scotian, which he leads in the church parsonage, so as to create a safe, non-threatening space for native persons to explore Christianity and their own native spirituality without unintentionally being a trigger of past emotional and spiritual abuses.
Crow Eddy is an artist, drum carrier, and Mi’kmaq person living in Novia Scotia, Canada. Crow regularly writes and lectures on Mi’kmaq spirituality and healing circles. He is a member of the North American council on Truth and Reconciliation called the Centre for Indigenous Ministries (D.O.C.) Council. He seeks to "build bridges to our ancient culture and our living people."
The Future Christian Podcast is a production of Torn Curtain Arts and Resonate Media.